Monday, May 30, 2011

The Dark Side of Chocolate

Elizabeth Guzman

                 The Dark Side of Chocolate

                 To everyone chocolate is so good and a great treat. But little do we know the pain that it causes million of children in West Africa. But the Western chocolate consumers know there is nothing sweet and nothing innocent about slavery. These children are put as slaves. They are taken away from their family, their education is being taken away as well. Child labor is unfair and is not justice. Big companies like Heresy and M&M have a big impact on cocoa chocolate slavery. We should stop the abuse of these children . Organic chocolate taste the same and is much better for you its even comes fields that maintain itself and there’s no need to have slaves. Organic chocolate is the best chocolate to start eating.
                West Africa is by far the world’s largest supplier of the cocoa beans. They provide 43% of supply to the world. Not only are they the largest, but west Africa has 600,000 plantations on cocoa beans. The fact that these plantations are so huge, there are about 15,000 children working on these field. The conditions of working and living are mostly brutal. Most places don’t have electricity, water nor hospital or schools. These kids are sold as slaves to keep the plantations maintain. These kids are no older then 12-14 years old. They are forced to work over 100 hours a week and don’t get paid anything. They get mistreated and beaten almost daily. “ The beating were a part of my life, anytime they loaded you with a bag(of cocoa beans) and you fell while carrying them, nobody helped you , instead they beat you and beat you until you picked it up again” states Aly Diabate a freed slave who reported to the news. Its really unfair how these young kids get beaten and mistreated the way they do. Framers cared less for the children and more for their plantations. Its so wrong that no one stood up for the right of these kids. Today no organic cocoa beans are coming from the Ivory coast, organic chocolate is not being picked from slaves, it comes from Costa Rica where the farms are closely monitored.
         Child labor is an issue that’s all around the world today. These children are being treated as slaves. These slaves are forced to work everyday from morning till night with having anything to eat. These children should be going to school and be treated very healthy. According to the British Broadcasting company in 2000, “ Hundred of thousands of children are being purchased from their parents…… in some cases outright stolen and they get shipped to these plantations and sold as slaves.” This is wrong! They are not allow to be in contact with their family. Children should be given an education not work or in this case be slave. These parents sell their children believing they find work and be able send some money back home. There are families that cant afford to send their children to school so they have no choice but to work and help out around the house. Madi who is 10 years old has this issue , “ I don’t like work, I would rather do something else, but I have to do this.” Madi family couldn’t afford to send him to school only 2 miles away. In some cases there are children who really have no choice but to help out their mom and their siblings as well.
           Most companies like Hershey and M&M control half of the market of chocolate. These company use a huge amount of cocoa beans from west Africa. These companies are the largest chocolate maker. The companies been involved with the slavery of child for thousands of years. “ Shocked and deeply concerned…. Embarrassed by revelations of indirect involvement with children slavery.” was their responded when they found out that the chocolate they used were produced by child slavery. Therefore with the Hershey market capitalization on wall street who makes billions of dollars decided to become affiliated with many schools and orphans and disadvantage children. I strongly believed that it is still wrong. These companies are getting best of both worlds, they still are being provided with their best chocolate that makes millions of dollars, and the money they get they provide it to the kids are in need of it. But nothing is being done to better the life of these children in Africa who work hard, and get paid in beaten by there owner.
               Major companies makers say they not responsible for the problem of slavery in the cocoa farms in the West Africa. On October 1,2001, the chocolate industry wanted to make a four year plan to eliminate child slavery in the cocoa nation. But as of today slavery is still going now. An effective way to stop child labor would be for the government of Ivory Coast to invest more taxes on the cocoa, and that money can go to the education and services to help out the farmers. “…………the nongovernmental watchdog group… and it seems happier making up excuses then changes” states the Chocolate bittersweet economy. This shows how even if there would be some kind of change to stop the child labor, it still wont be done. They rather keep these kids without an education and rather keep mistreating them for the benefits of themselves.
           Its harsh to know that when we enjoy a great piece of chocolate, that its coming from children who have worked so hard and is being abused and mistreated in everyway possible. After doing this paper and the research my whole mindset changed. of chocolate. I was shocked and amazed how wrong these children are being treated. I was even more shock to find out that there is still slavery going on all over the world still. I feel this isn’t fair at all, these children should have a better life , get educated and find a better life to live. Am going to start eating organic chocolate from now on, is still chocolate and it taste the same as well. It’s even better because it doesn’t come from plantations where children are being abused and mistreated.
 These follwoing video shows you the hard work that these young children go threw daily.

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Work cited page 
1."Is There Slavery In Your Chocolate?" John Robbins Official Site. 19 Apr. 2010. Web. 23 May 2011. <>.
2."Is There Slavery In Your Chocolate?" John Robbins Official Site. 19 Apr. 2010. Web. 23 May 2011. <>.
3.Linnell, Patti. "Not so Sweet Chocolate." IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Home. Dec. 2006. Web. 23 May 2011. <>.
4.Parenti, Christian. "Chocolate's Bittersweet Economy." CNN Money. 15 Feb. 2008. Web. <>.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

annotated bibliography.....

1.Field-Testing Ecological and Economic Benefits of Coffee Certification Programs
Stacy M. Philpott, Peter Bichier, Robert Rice and Russell Greenberg
Conservation Biology
Vol. 21, No. 4 (Aug., 2007), pp. 975-985
I wiill use this book to talk about the  ecological and economic importance on the rade of coffee.
Shifting Regimes of Governance in the Coffee Market: From Secular Crisis to a New Equilibrium?
Iva Petkova
Review of International Political Economy
Vol. 13, No. 2 (May, 2006), pp. 313-339
(article consists of 27 pages)
I will use this to talk about the employs and the  global value chains of the people who work, and the inclusion in the global economy.
Diversification among Coffee Smallholders in the Highlands of South Sumatra, Indonesia
Ricardo Godoy and Christopher Bennett
Human Ecology
Vol. 16, No. 4 (Dec., 1988), pp. 397-420
(article consists of 24 pages)
 i will be using this to dicribe the  past decade international organizations and  the developing countries.
Assessing the Impact of Fair Trade Coffee: Towards an Integrative Framework
Karla Utting
Journal of Business Ethics
Vol. 86, Supplement 1: Fair Trade (2009), pp. 127-149
(article consists of 23 pages)
This article shows and presents the impact that the framers did  that allows for the evaluation the  positive and negative of it .
A Place Unbecoming: The Coffee Farm of Northern Latin America
Robert A. Rice
Geographical Review
Vol. 89, No. 4 (Oct., 1999), pp. 554-579
(article consists of 26 pages)
this article will help talk about the  transformations of the coffee landscape of northern Latin America

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I agree that buying soda with food stamp shouldnt be allow, because people who get food stamps should be able to buy food that are healthy for them and there family. many people take advantage of reciving food stamps because they buy alot of unhealthy food such as soda.  food that cause them health problems. people should use the money they get to buy healthy food, that isnt going to cause them any health issue in the future. though this is a strong arugement i think is a good a arugement becuase many parents are doing harm to their kids by feeding them junk food and giving me them soda, thenit dosnt do any good for them. is understandable that people who are reciveing food stamps should have the right to buy what ever food they like because is there money. but it should be taken into conceration that eating heathly is the best way for your health ....

Monday, April 25, 2011

SuperSize me and fast Food Nation

Fast food Nation

 Is a shame how they have so much advertisement everywhere we go advertising fast food places.They use these advertisment to catch young children attenction. do to these advertisments it has taken over our daily food, many of us rather eat fastfood then a home cooked meal. most companys dont care about the harm that their food is causing us human, they only care about the money they are making. companys sees that people are buying their food so of course they wont stop selling people food that they they keep buying weather is bad or good for them. all they care about is the money that is being brought to them.

Super size me was a movie on how McDonald  is bad for your health. Spurlock goes a month with only eating McDonald every day, 3 times a day, he's only allow to have one of every meal per day. This movie showed a huge change as days went by. He started off a healthy person with no health problems. As days went by more and more as he ate McDonals it cuased him alot of problems. he gain alot of weight, high cholesterol his blood pressure was high. After watching SuperSize me  it explains alot on why theres a lot of people who are overweight, and have lots of health issue.
         Its easy to stop a fast food place and eat rather then going home and cooking a meal. that explains why millions of people rather choose  fast food over  healthy food. many people people dont think about the harm they cause their body when they stop at a fast food place to eat. its hard to say no to  fast food when you have a fast food place to eat in every block in a half you walk.  i use to like eating Mcdonald all the time, until i got sick of eating it so i stop , without knowing the harm i was gaining from eathing this tyoe of food. now when am hungry i chose anything but Mcdonals to eat,  i only eat it like once every 5 months. witch i think it isnt that bad compare to people who stop everyday to eat at a fast food place. i am glad i got to watch this documentary i learned alot from it not only that McDonalds is bad for you but the huge harm it can cause a person if they become careless of their body and what they choose to feed it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

review worksheet

Paper Title  : The Dominican Flag

Date 4/5/11

Peer Review Worksheet

  1. Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?
I think i have a hook that gets the reader  attention. i explain in details my reason to my thesis.
i think i could of put more information explaining the way my my grandmother did the food.

  1. What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.
" i believe thats the way my grandmother cooked years ago is more healthy, freash and organic." i could explain more why i think this, whats different then the way my mom cooks it today that i chose my grandmother cooking best.

  1. Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?
i have explain myself in each paragraph, make it clear on the point am trying to make, give enough feedback on my sources to make my understanding and point across.

  1. Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.
yes i did find some grammar, and spelling problems. i places commas in places that didnt need them, and places where i did need didnt place them. their were some spelling mistake that i cought along reading it after 3 times.

  1. Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?
i clearly identify my sources and where my quotes came from, and who said it and where did it come from. thought i need help in introducing the quote am going to use.

  1. What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

list of soures.....

1. the food companys ingredients. what is in it
2. fast food nation: see the differece in the food, and what has changed over the years.
3. food ink the movie: talk about the meat and how different is being used today
4. online resources: google the difference types of seasoning that my mom uses today to cook
5. ask more questions, get into more details with my mom, maybe ask some of my aunts. other family members that also was around when my grandmother used to cook.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

assignment #1

Elizabeth Guzman
            One traditional plate that my family enjoys today is rice and beans. It’s a plate that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family for many years. A lot people know this plate as the “The Dominican Flag” this is because is one of the traditional plates in the Dominican menu. Although rice and beans is really simple and easy to prepare we make it in different ways it can be separate or mixed to make a different meal.  When its being cooked mixed it is known as “moro” there are at least three types of “moro” I can mentioned now which are: red bean moro , black bean moro and pigeon beans moro. The same ingredients are being used as if you were doing the beans separated from the rice. Though my grandmother cooked it very different as to the way my mom cooks it today for us. The way that is made is sore of the same, but the ingredients came from different places. I believe that’s the way my grandmother cooked years ago is more healthy, fresh and organic.

            The ingredients that my grandmothers used are practically the same ingredients my mother uses today with one huge difference hers were fresh and hand picked. My grandmother had fields that she would grow her ingredients in, such as peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, spicy bitter orange, oregano and cilantro that would give the beans that special and unique flavor. The beans it self also came from the soil. These ingredients that my grandmothers used were healthily and fresh and all natural. She planted them in here field. However, the ingredients that my mother uses today come from the supermarket and are also shipped in from other countries. These ingredients have been probably procesed and have been packed for weeks. Another difference is the salt. My grandmother didn’t use grinded salt like the salt my mom uses today to cook.
            Though the ingredients may have been used different the seasoning is mostly the same. The onions, peppers, garlic is something that stays the same. In the other hand the beans and the sauce we use today are the beans and sauce that come in cans, and so the vinegar and salt. Being that the beans are in cans, they aren’t as hard so they be quicker and faster to cook. Something that’s additional that my moms uses is a seasoning that my grandmother never used because it wasn’t invented back then. Is a seasoning that is packed up called “Sa-son Accent”, is a powder sauce that she used to give the beans more flavor. My grandmother used a different form of tomato sauce. She planted her own tomato and she incorporated in the beans. Also the beans were hand picked. So she had to boil them in the mornings for about an hours and a half so they be soft by the time she would have the dinner ready. One thing that my grandmother used and my mother uses today to cook the beans is the oil. They both cook with corn oil, though sometimes my mother uses olive oil to cook. They both have the same calories of fat, cholesterol, sodium and carbohydrate.

Finally even though the meal was cooked with the same ingredients just that back then the ingredients were fresh and better, the meal remains the same as today, and is being still traditional in my family. Another thing that is different is the time that dinner is being served and is being eaten. Here the meal is put on the table around 5 or 6pm. In the Dominican Republic the meal is severed at 12pm noon and this was and still is a very important part of the culture because everyone sits down around the table to eat together. I believe that the healthiest way was how my grandmother cooked due to the fact that everything was organic and it was planted in her field and all she had to do was go hand pick it herself, unlike my mom today who goes to the supermarket and gets her ingredients to cook dinner. It was a healthier meal back then than it is today even if it is the same and it is prepared the same way, with the difference that the ingredients were hand picked and were all natural and afresh.

food ink

This movie was really cool. in the ways that we get our food today, and what is being done to these animals.  i think is really un fair how these companys only care for them self and the money that they getting, and not for the health of the humans who is eating there products. i realize that this is really bad for us because is the food that eat, though is fast ans easy food that come to our mind when we are hungry and though we are not thinking about the harm that it may cause us we eat it anyways. but after seeing this movie it really grossed me out, mostly how these farmers dont really care much about how it can cause us harm, all they seem to care about is their money worth. while back when my mother started bringing home organic food i would hate because  i always felt that organic food didnt have much flavor, but now i understand why my mother went organic on everything she buys. is way healthier, and freasher and way better..