Monday, April 25, 2011

SuperSize me and fast Food Nation

Fast food Nation

 Is a shame how they have so much advertisement everywhere we go advertising fast food places.They use these advertisment to catch young children attenction. do to these advertisments it has taken over our daily food, many of us rather eat fastfood then a home cooked meal. most companys dont care about the harm that their food is causing us human, they only care about the money they are making. companys sees that people are buying their food so of course they wont stop selling people food that they they keep buying weather is bad or good for them. all they care about is the money that is being brought to them.

Super size me was a movie on how McDonald  is bad for your health. Spurlock goes a month with only eating McDonald every day, 3 times a day, he's only allow to have one of every meal per day. This movie showed a huge change as days went by. He started off a healthy person with no health problems. As days went by more and more as he ate McDonals it cuased him alot of problems. he gain alot of weight, high cholesterol his blood pressure was high. After watching SuperSize me  it explains alot on why theres a lot of people who are overweight, and have lots of health issue.
         Its easy to stop a fast food place and eat rather then going home and cooking a meal. that explains why millions of people rather choose  fast food over  healthy food. many people people dont think about the harm they cause their body when they stop at a fast food place to eat. its hard to say no to  fast food when you have a fast food place to eat in every block in a half you walk.  i use to like eating Mcdonald all the time, until i got sick of eating it so i stop , without knowing the harm i was gaining from eathing this tyoe of food. now when am hungry i chose anything but Mcdonals to eat,  i only eat it like once every 5 months. witch i think it isnt that bad compare to people who stop everyday to eat at a fast food place. i am glad i got to watch this documentary i learned alot from it not only that McDonalds is bad for you but the huge harm it can cause a person if they become careless of their body and what they choose to feed it.

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